Corporate Yoga: The definitive guide

For employers striving to build a happy healthy workforce.


Introduction to corporate yoga

In fast-paced cities, stress tends to run high, and work-life balance can often take the back seat while everyone is striving to do their best in the hustle and bustle. Crowded transport, traffic jams, a busy social calendar booked out weeks in advance, work deadlines up to your eyeballs as well as carving out precious quality time with your loved ones. It’s not easy to be a modern-day human! Life can certainly be demanding.

Corporate yoga is a revolutionary concept that has emerged to help companies and their employees to restore well-being whilst at work.

Corporate yoga sessions are designed to meet the needs of the average office worker. Whilst individuals have specific needs, corporate yoga sessions are designed to help people counter the effects of sitting or standing for long periods and take them through a structured sequence that offers them relief as well as helps them strengthen their whole body whilst increasing overall body awareness. The physical benefits of corporate yoga are countless but it is also the mental and emotional benefits that make yoga such an attractive and efficient practice to bring into any workplace. Teaching people to bring attention to their breath has a profound effect on reducing stress and supporting overall mental health.

In the following pages, we will delve deeper into the world of corporate yoga, exploring its profound impact on individuals and organisations alike. We will discover the science behind its effectiveness, unveil the success stories of companies that have embraced this transformative practice, and uncover practical strategies for implementing corporate yoga programs in your own workplace. So, fasten your seatbelt and prepare to embark on a journey of well-being, balance, and harmony within the corporate realm—a journey that will revolutionize the way you work and live.

In this Guide:

What is corporate yoga?

Why corporate yoga?


Benefits of Corporate Yoga


Corporate yoga is a scientifically proven way to help with emotional and mental well-being. With low barriers to implement a corporate yoga class it is a great way to bring employees together and show them the many benefits of this practice. 

A regular yoga practice teaches practitioners to;

  • Control their breathing, which has a profound impact on their mind and slowing down their thoughts. By slowing down ones thoughts, we create space.

  • Finding space brings us clarity, creativity and focus.

  • Movement - Learning to move with control

The importance of workplace well-being

Managing your well-being is not isolated to just the workplace. Well-being is made up of several vital pillars that all contribute to your overall well-being. Physical, Emotional and Mental, Social, Financial, Professional / Career well-being. More recent studies also include digital well-being as a pillar due to the amount of screen time the average person can now spend in front of a screen in many areas of our life, at work, at home, and potentially to and from work.

Finding and balancing our overall well-being is a hot topic in the workplace because fair to say that it is challenging to feel on top of all of these areas of life at any one time. Often people feel time-poor, too busy, or find it hard to prioritise what to do next and how to fit it all in.

Our goal is to help corporate employees take time out during their workday to practice self-care and manage the pillars of physical, mental and emotional well-being. Often we find that prioritising these pillars will have a knock-on effect on the others. Keep reading to learn why.

The benefits of corporate yoga on culture.

The practice of corporate yoga offers numerous benefits that directly impact the workforce, such as reducing stress levels, enhancing focus and productivity, and fostering better teamwork and communication.

By dedicating uninterrupted time and resources to workplace well-being through various wellness initiatives, organisations demonstrate a genuine commitment to the health and happiness of their employees.

A workforce that feels valued and supported is more likely to be motivated, engaged, and dedicated, resulting in increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates. Embracing corporate yoga as a cornerstone of workplace well-being empowers employees to find balance amidst the challenges of their professional lives, fostering a positive and resilient corporate culture.

What are the company benefits of corporate yoga?

  • Health Related

    • Lowered stress-related healthcare costs

    • Less absenteeism and disability claims

    • Less presenteeism

  • Corporate Culture

    • Lower employee turnover

    • A positive corporate culture

    • A more harmonious workplace

    • A more fulfilled and joyful workforce

  • Productivity

    • Higher productivity

    • Better creativity and collaboration

    • Improved overall morale

    • Better customer service

What are the benefits of corporate yoga on employees?

  • Improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being

  • Enhanced focus, improved decision-making capabilities, and the capacity to handle a substantial workload.

  • Increased employee appreciation as a result of upper management's conscious investment in promoting the mental and physical well-being of their workforce. 

  • Alleviation of discomfort caused by head, neck, and back strain, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, and repetitive motion injuries, thereby minimising work-related health issues. 

  • Better customer service, stemming from employees' enhanced well-being and improved mental clarity. 

  • Reduced personal expenses associated with stress-related illnesses and reduced absenteeism among employees.


Understanding the Impact of Workplace Stress



Understanding the Impact of Workplace Stress

Statistics on Workplace Stress and Its Consequences 

In a 2022 report by Beyond Blue, a key finding was that Mentally healthy workplaces are as important to Australian employees as physically safe workplaces, however, workplaces are not meeting their expectations.

  • 91% believe mental health in the workplace is important (88% believe physical safety is important).

  • Despite this, only 52% of employees believe their workplace is mentally healthy compared to 76% for physical safety.

  • Only five in ten (56%) believe their most senior leader values mental health.

These figures show that there is a significant gap between employees' expectations regarding mental health support in the workplace and the actual provision of support. While 91% of employees believe mental health in the workplace is important, only 52% believe their workplace is mentally healthy. This suggests that many workplaces are falling short of meeting their employees' mental health needs also highlighting the need for the role that senior leaders need to play in promoting mental well-being in the workplace.

Chat GPT summary:

The findings indicate a notable disparity between employees' expectations for mental health support in the workplace and the actual provision of such support. Although 91% of employees recognize the importance of mental health in the workplace, only 52% believe their workplace is mentally healthy, signaling a significant gap. This highlights the urgent need for workplaces to address their employees' mental health needs adequately. Additionally, the data underscores the crucial role that senior leaders must play in promoting mental well-being within organizations to create a truly supportive and mentally healthy work environment.

Mentally unhealthy workplaces have an impact on employee behaviour

  • One in five Australians (21%) have taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed, or mentally unhealthy.

  • This statistic is more than twice as high (46%) among those who consider their workplace mentally unhealthy.

  • Employees who believe their workplace is mentally unhealthy are unlikely to disclose this within their workplace if they are experiencing a mental health condition, seek support from HR/management, or offer support to a colleague with a mental health condition.

Establishing a mentally healthy workplace is a nuanced process that varies across industries and requires endorsement from leadership, including the CEO, HR, and Senior Managers. Simply providing services or resources may not be sufficient to effectively reduce or eliminate mental health issues or any stigma associated with mental health. True progress lies in safeguarding the well-being of employees by implementing tailored interventions that address their specific needs and align with industry requirements. By taking a proactive and thoughtful approach, organizations can create a supportive and mentally healthy work environment conducive to the overall success and happiness of their employees.

Take the Beyond Blue K10 Test to check on your mental health.

The Role of Stress in Employee Burnout and Turnover 

Employee burnout isn't just a personal issue — it affects your entire organization.

Chronic fatigue, disengagement, low motivation, and poor performance are some telltale signs of employee burnout that companies need to pay close attention to. It’s critical to recognise these signs early because employee burnout affects your bottom line and the overall well-being of teams within your organisation.

Stress plays a crucial role in employee burnout and turnover within organisations. As work demands and pressures continue to escalate, employees often find themselves facing excessive stress levels that can be detrimental to their physical and mental well-being.

Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress leads to burnout, a state of emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced personal accomplishment. Burnout not only affects individual employees but also has ripple effects on team dynamics and overall workplace morale. When employees experience burnout, they become disengaged, less productive, and more likely to consider leaving their job. Ultimately, the cumulative impact of burnout and stress can lead to a higher turnover rate, as employees seek opportunities in healthier and less stressful work environments.

Organisations that neglect to address workplace stress and fail to provide support mechanisms risk losing valuable talent and face increased costs associated with the recruitment and training of new employees. To mitigate burnout and turnover, it is essential for companies to foster a supportive work culture, implement stress-reduction strategies, and promote work-life balance to ensure the well-being and retention of their workforce.

Mentally healthy workplaces are important to employees. Across all industries and locations in Australia, employees do not consider their workplace as mentally healthy as they would like it to be.

How Corporate Yoga Can Help Alleviate Workplace Stress

Corporate yoga can be a powerful tool for alleviating workplace stress and fostering a healthier, more productive work environment. Stress and burnout have become all too common. Offering yoga sessions at the workplace provides employees with an opportunity to unwind, recharge, and refocus.

The practice of yoga, with its emphasis on mindfulness, breathing techniques, and gentle physical exercises, helps reduce stress levels, calms the mind, and releases tension in the body. As a result, employees experience increased concentration, improved mood, and enhanced overall well-being.


Overcoming Challenges and Resistance 

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